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dangerous business

Her bags were packed and ready to go, and she cursed silently who ever decided that the song “Leaving on Jet Plane” was a good idea. She had checked and checked and checked again. Everything was there, despite the nagging sense of forgetfulness. She was as ready as she’d ever be, as the saying went, but she couldn’t help feeling that she wasn’t ready at all. The long list of urgent Things To Do had driven out any thoughts of doubt by sheer lack of time. And now there was nothing left to do but wait and fret. She sighed.

Something caught her eye. A postcard sent by a friend just a few weeks ago, tucked under her camera. She flipped it over and smiled, taking comfort in the words scrawled on the back.

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

She grinned, remembering now. She was going on an adventure.

sent February 2013

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old fashion camera

last update: April 2024